Founded over 40 years ago, the Virginia Cooperative Preschool Council (VCPC) is the umbrella organization for 29 parent cooperative preschools in Northern Virginia. A cooperative preschool is owned, operated or both by a group of parents and staffed by professional teachers.
VCPC offers a forum for sharing ideas and information; provides assistance to member schools; encourages continuing education for parents; and increases community awareness of and to strengthen the parent cooperative movement.
Specific services and activities of VCPC include annual posting of the nondiscrimanatory statement to the Washington Post on behalf of its member schools; monthly teacher training sessions led by licensed professionals; funding of parent education opportunities; leadership forums for individuals interested in taking on leadership positions in their member school; an online eforum for ongoing exchange and interaction among parents and teacher; and provision of small interest-free loans to member schools.
VCPC is run by a board of directors consisting of parents and educators from its member schools. Board members are elected on an annual basis and meet approximately once a month from September through June.
For more information on VCPC please click on the following links: board of directors, member schools, about cooperative preschool, and related organizations.